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BabyStep Magazine

The Songs That Shaped Our Sound: The Velvet Hands

After ploughing through the current difficulties with their single ‘When This Is Over,’ Cornwall’s The Velvet Hands pledged to save venues across the country as they raised money for the Music Venue Trust. Their latest single is a gritty real-talk social commentary record called ‘Back On A Winner,’ which comes paired with an acoustic version. The tracks will be released on the 23rd October and the 6th November, respectively. We spoke to the band about the songs that shaped their sound for their latest release.

The Cribs – Mirror Kissers

I think we must have seen The Cribs at Boardmasters Festival when we were about 15 or 16, not really knowing much of their music previously. We were instantly sold. That 00’s indie gets a lot of hate at the moment, mainly because the journalists writing the reviews were old enough to be at an indie night in Camden in 2007 and are embarrassed by their youth. This song in particular was the perfect excuse for us not to get singing lessons.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Y Control

Karen O has so much emotion in her voice, it really raises their songs into a different league. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs were one of the first bands that we listened to together. This album was one of the main reasons we wanted our D.I.Y debut album ‘Party’s Over’ to sound like it had been recorded on a potato.

Oasis – Supersonic

Obviously we love Oasis - every boy in a band loves Oasis. We used to be much more in the Blur camp but we’ve finally grown up. I can’t name any modern band who sound like they actually give a fuck about what they’re talking about like Oasis did - we want to be that band. If you’re too cool for Oasis then you’re too cool for us, see ya later alligators.

The Black Tambourines - Bad Days

The Black Tambourines were the hottest band in Cornwall when we were at college. We were blown away by the fact that a band could actually be up on stage and just fucking doing it. Great surf punk sound and incredible haircuts - we wanted a slice of it. We definitely used to annoy them by moshing and jumping around but we didn’t care. I once fell onto the stage at one of their shows and put my hand through a pint glass - rock and roll baby.

Hinds - Just Like Kids (miau)

I thought I’d end it on a current band that we love. The recent Hinds album is so sick and really inspiring - I’ve listened to it nearly every day since it came out. Can’t wait to get into the studio to try and nick some of their guitar sounds, watch this space!

Listen to the new release HERE


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