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George Bone: The Essex and London Pop Sensation Redefining Neo-Jazz and RnB

Meet George Bone, the 25-year-old self-taught vocalist and pianist making waves in the music scene with his unique blend of pop, Neo-Jazz, and RnB. Based in Essex and London, George's thought-provoking lyrics and innovative sound have captivated audiences across high-profile London venues. In just the past year, he has supported icons like Mica Paris MBE and UK The Voice winner Molly Hocking, performed at major festivals such as RuuFest and GearFest, and headlined the main stage at Northern Kin.

George's debut solo single, "Valencia," released on November 24th, 2023, marks the beginning of an exciting musical journey with more releases set for 2024. His performances have earned rave reviews, being praised as "fantastic," "superb," and "incredible" by industry leaders. As a rising star on the cusp of mainstream success, George Bone is proving that true talent can indeed shine through, creating a vibrant sonic universe filled with love and kindness. Keep an eye on this remarkable artist as he continues to enchant listeners with his magnetic sound.

1. Your debut solo single "Valencia" has received positive attention since its release in November 2023. What was the inspiration behind this track, and how does it reflect your musical style and influences?

It was inspired by a trip I took to the city in September 2022. At the time I was seven months separated from a past partner, and was looking forward to travelling Europe by myself. I visited friends who were studying in Valencia at the time, went to a load of football games while out there, and went to a house party on the evening of the second full day I was there. The flat complex was halfway between the beautiful sites of the city, and the beautiful nightlife skirting the beaches to the Mediterranean, and in that time I said to myself, “F***, I wish I had someone to share this view with”. The next full day I wrote the initial ideas for what would become Valencia. 

2. You've had the opportunity to support high-profile artists like Mica Paris and Molly Hocking, as well as perform at major festivals like RuuFest and Northern Kin. How have these experiences shaped your growth as an artist and your approach to live performances?

Performing live, even at festivals that offer little or no money in return, is a necessary evil that all up-and-coming musicians must face head on. With opportunities so thin on the ground, and with the industry still recovering from the fallout of COVID, musicians will take any gig that comes their way with open arms, but on the grounds that those musicians PROPERLY entertain. Doing a load of performances has allowed me to litmus test songs that perform well and songs that do not, so that I can min/max enjoyment and entertainment value for those listening to new independent music that they would not have heard before.

3. Combining Neo-Jazz and RnB elements with thought-provoking lyrics is a distinctive feature of your music. Can you tell us more about your creative process and how you blend these genres to create your unique sound?

I am a chord-first-words-later style of writer, and that comes from having such an eclectic listening background growing up. On family road trips when I was younger, three artists would be ever-present on my dad’s iPod Nano which spoke to this eclecticism: Iron Maiden, Jamiroquai, and Hannah Montana. During my teenage years, however, I focused on the storytelling of country music to help me make sense of an ever-changing world. At uni, I focused more on jazzy artists such as Tom Misch, Jacob Collier, and PJ Morton, and nowadays, I am heavily inspired by the crooner vocals of Bruno Major, Eloise, and Alice Auer. I say I’m a chords person, as depending on what mood I'm feeling before or during a writing session is how I will hit the keys that day. This, in turn, helps me focus my creativity and give a sense of perspective to my writing; you cannot fill a room unless you have a room to fill. 

4. In a quote from Tony Moore of Iron Maiden, he praises your performances as "incredible." What do you think sets your live performances apart, and how do you connect with your audience during shows?

As a constant glass-half-full type person, I’m surprised whenever anyone calls me brilliant! But with that being said, I try not to take any live performance I do too seriously. If I think too hard about something, I am bound to f*** it up, so just going with the flow (or however much the flow can take me while sitting behind a piano on a piano stool can take me). 

5. As an artist who emphasizes true, radical talent over commercial appearances, what challenges have you faced in the music industry, and how do you stay true to your artistic vision while navigating these challenges?

Being a successful artist right now is knowing that if you have money, you will succeed. Producing a single cost money; mixing and mastering the single costs money; promoting your single costs money; review distribution costs money, and unless you do these things, your songs will not succeed commercially. Therefore, get good at the things that cost money, so that you can save it for the future. I learned how to produce my own vocals, edit my own Instagram and TikTok reels, and learnt to create promotional assets for myself on the grounds that doing so kept that content closer to the intentions I had upon making said art. This industry hates self-sufficiency, especially when it comes from a microcosmic scale (and not done via their scale). Good: use that. 


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