Track Of The Day: 'Liquid Spells' By The Great Leslies
Our track of the day is 'Liquid Spells' by The Great Leslies. 'Liquid Spells' drips with the characteristically addictive sounds fans of The Great Leslie are, by now, used to hearing. In this expertly crafted song, Ollie's vocals punch through the track,
punctuating points of inflexion. With influences of old-school indie rock bleeding into the relentless combination of drums and bass, the music forces those listening to start moving their feet. All of this mixes in with the combination of heavy, riff-driven guitars and beautifully blended harmonies that make it impossible not to get up and dance. There's an energy to the track that seems to jump out to listeners, building as the seconds go by, all coming to a head
with the distorted vocal of Ollie's screamed out command at the end of the song, 'KEEP ON MOVING YOUR.'
Discussing the single Ollie shared "‘Liquid Spells’ is about pushing your body to its limits through excessive living. It does
not differentiate between the extremities of what might be considered healthy and unhealthy. It is the devil on your shoulder telling you to keep going and drown yourself in excess. The song’s development was different from our usual process as Freddie and I worked on the initial idea together, which was then rewritten with Alfie, Ryan and myself. After
that, we were all together reworking it again, all before I had any of the lyrics. The song further developed in preproduction and then in the recording studio, so there were many levels in which this tune evolved.