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Now is the time for new schools of thought in society

In the midst of a global pandemic and skyrocketing infections, the UK has seen its Health Secretary Matt Hancock resign because of a recent cheating scandal.

The interesting part about this now very public story is the emphasis that continues to be placed on its very private nature. It is no coincidence that what is now being plastered before our eyes across mainstream media is a very familiar ‘reality style’ plot. Where the political theatre of modern life has been reduced to selling the masses a narrative that emulates popular shows such as Love Island, Geordie Shore, Ex on the Beach and so forth. The formulae of a cheating-scandal is a tried and trusted method for gaining public attention, with coverage of Hancock’s resignation being dominated by images of his kiss with Gina Coladangelo.

Suspicions that this was a deliberately staged act have now been confirmed by the Evening Standard who have reported that the CCTV camera used to catch Hancock was intentionally tampered with so as to document the precise moment the affair happened.

This major distraction has allowed the Conservative government to remove one of its most senior officials in a typical Boris Johnson, buffoon-esque fashion.

The real reason Matt Hancock had to resign is not because he got caught cheating on his wife but because he is corrupt through and through. Evidence for this has been publicised by Labour MP Zarah Sultana who recently reported on her Twitter page that Hancock has personally overseen 10,000 avoidable Covid-deaths. He is also currently involved in a major PPE scandal and an ongoing failure to protect NHS workers.

Worse still, he has provided a number of unlawful covid contracts and deals to his close circle of friends. And to put the cherry on the cake he has spent 37 billion pounds of the taxpayers money on a Test and Trace system that doesn’t work. For those that try to defend him using the success of the current vaccination programme, I would like to personally redirect their thanks to all the nurses and volunteers, who are the true backbone of this nation’s response to the incompetence of the Conservative rule.

It is almost laughable to think that some people really believe that an over-hyped cheating-scandal would distract the majority of the population from the true, corrupt nature of this entire situation.

It seems that the UK government didn’t properly anticipate a complete rise of youthful mistrust in government officials and their inconsistent policies. While covid restrictions remain tight and talk of extensions loom. It is evident that there is a growing sense of restlessness emanating from predominantly, student-based locations.

On a recent sunny day in Hyde Park, Leeds, the epicentre of the new delta variant in the UK, it was reported that a major festival-like event took place on the 27th June 2021. Several hundred students all congregated together and partied long into the night, with some suggesting numbers might have got close to a thousand. Which, if I may point out, under current government laws, is very much illegal. When speaking to individuals after this event I can confirm from eye witness accounts, that would prefer to stay anonymous, that very few arrests were made that night because the raucous crowd was too overwhelming for the local unit.

What this demonstrates is that the young people of this country have a complete disregard and apathy for the ruling government and this will continue to be the case because young people are tired of being told what to do.

There is a real sense of momentum building right now and it’s emanating from a restless youth generation who have been continually failed by an outdated, elitist political party. It is clear that now really is the perfect opportunity to propose that we start to think about new schools of thought in society.

I'm not necessarily an advocate for socialism, communism or any of the other forms of ‘opposition’ that the media continues to construct.

It just seems that now is the time to think collectively about moving forward towards a better future. In the words of the Greek philosopher Plato, “Good people don’t need laws to tell them to act responsibly … and bad people will find a way around the laws”. It is evident that there is a clear paradox in modern society in that there are two sides breaking the law, with only one of them being held to account for it. And as Covid infections continue to sore the media will predictably sell the narrative that it is a predominantly student-led problem.

While the saying ‘two wrongs don’t make it right' is true, it is also true that the youth will not accept the game of ‘one rule for you and another rule for me’. So as Conservative MPs continue to meet at ‘private events’ it seems the youth are going to continue doing exactly the same. And in such defiance we may begin to reconsider who’s hands power should really fall into.

As the coronavirus pandemic shows no real sign of slowing down we now find ourselves with a genuine opportunity to harness growing energy and produce a real revolutionary moment. The roaring twenties have only just begun and the youth of today are already lighting the fireworks.

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