Inside the Mind of Luvley: A Deep Dive with Alternative Pop’s Rising Star

Meet Luvley, the electrifying 21-year-old alternative pop sensation from Nottinghamshire, now turning heads in Manchester. With his magnetic presence and raw talent, Luvley burst onto the scene with a debut single that captivated BBC Introducing Radio. His music, a rich tapestry of introspective narratives and emotionally charged melodies, strikes a chord deep within listeners, marking him as a rising star in the music world. Get ready to dive into the mind of an artist whose journey is just as compelling as his sound.
1. Your upcoming single "Still" delves into the emotional journey of moving past a breakup. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind this track and what it means to you personally?
When I was 18, I moved to Manchester and met a girl. Our relationship was intense, but it didn't last. “Still” captures the emotional rollercoaster that followed the breakup—a journey of self-discovery and introspection. Rather than blaming her, I found myself looking inward. The song became a mirror reflecting my own vulnerabilities, regrets, and longings. It’s not just about missing her; it's about the period of time after the breakup that turned out to be the most important of my life. It completely changed me as a person and forced me to confront a lot of my own personal demons that had been plaguing my mind. The journey of months battling with the confusing feelings of missing having that special person in my life while also in a weird way hoping that she is also experiencing the pain I went through and questioning if she does really feel that pain and if the person i’d invented in my head was even real at all.
2. As a 21-year-old alternative pop artist from Nottinghamshire now making waves in Manchester, how has your move influenced your music and artistic direction?
Moving from Nottinghamshire to Manchester has been a transformative experience for me as a person and as an artist. Manchester and the vibrant music scene here has significantly shaped my artistic direction and sound. I’ve explored a lot of genres, from rap to house music, and really began to find my own blend of sounds that represent me the best. The city’s energy, diverse crowd, and attitude have seeped into my music, the city’s become a place I feel very connected to and I'm very proud to call it my home. I’ve connected with so many talented individuals, including my producer and close friends, who have all been a massive part of my journey.
3. Your debut single caught the attention of BBC Introducing Radio, which is a significant milestone. How did this recognition impact your career and what opportunities has it opened up for you?
It made me realise I was moving in the right direction, and it resonated with people. It also got lots of attention from people within the industry, which has changed the trajectory of my career, and it solidified a lot of the hard work that went into building LUVLEY up from just a dream and an idea. It was over six years in the making, so for my debut to get that attention was amazing and only made me want to go that much harder!
4. You have a talent for weaving introspective narratives into your music. How do your personal experiences shape your songwriting process, and how do you hope listeners connect with your music on an emotional level?
All my songs are real; everything lyric is a lived experience, and I hope the listener will hear this and resonate with it. Writing music is how I process my emotions, and I would love for my music to be able to help people process their own through hearing my struggles and give them an outlet to feel in a safe space. Music for me is and always has been a massive outlet to express myself. Being a young person in a world that doesn't make sense and isn’t built for me or any of my friends, I hope that other people can relate and maybe find some sense of hope knowing they aren’t alone in this.
5. "Still" is set to release on June 5th, and it’s clear that your raw talent and emotive vocals are key elements of your sound. What can fans expect from this single, and how does it compare to your previous work?
This single is the first of my upcoming project, LUV, where I open up much more about my personal experiences and struggles more openly than I have in previous songs. This project and single focus on the personal journey i’ve been going through post-breakup and still to this day, I think it shows a more matured sound and the lyrics feel more honest and full than anything I have previously released. I’m really excited and a little nervous to give people a deeper dive into my life and what it’s like living inside my head in this new project. I hope people don’t relate to a lot of what I have to say on this project but if they do I hope it can at least be an escape from whatever it is they’re going through.