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Introducing: The Furio

BabyStep Magazine

The Furio have had a difficult run throughout their time as a band, with highs and lows of popularity from the first singles of ‘Binds of The Furio’ reaching only small success, whereas ‘Mantra of Crime’ ended up reaching over 30,000 streams on Spotify, after a long break and adding new members to the band, The Furio have teamed up with the charity St. Andrew’s Hospice within the release of their new single ‘Let It All Fall’, being the bands first single as a full 4 piece band with an alternative grittiness to their sound. This track was released on the 6th of December. We spoke to them about the track that shaped their sound.

Pearl Jam – Even Flow

All of us in the band have had a liking towards Pearl Jam since starting in the industry, being one of our main influences even with past releases, Even Flow has a more upbeat and faster tempo compared to other songs, which a lot of dynamic range with build ups and pauses, making it a great influence and guide towards writing our own song, Even Flow also had a rough time getting recorded as Pearl Jam ended up recording it over 50 times to get it right, which we related to when recording ourselves trying to get the song right.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Cherub Rock

This song is just pure chaos and has an immense rawness to the sound, especially with the guitar tones, they managed to form shoegaze, metal, rock and grunge all into one song and it’s gold, a completely new vibe to music with it, we tried to achieve similar tones and styles of rhythm within our song, Cherub Rock also does an incredible job at building the intro, which we took influence from as well. 

Queens Of The Stone Age – Song For The Dead

Song For The Dead… that intro riff and ending callback to the same riff… we love that stuff, everyone in the band loves a good jam and random crash out at the end of a song, and during our new single, that’s exactly what we did, completely changing the tempo and dynamic range of the song, which QOTSA are amazing at doing, being able to play in so many different styles but keeping the same sound. Amazing. 

My Bloody Valentine – only shallow

MBV has been a main influence from our singer Joe throughout most of the bands releases, he loves them, MBV have heavy tones but more so a mellow ringy sound, which we tried to use for our vocals as well as overall sound to the song, especially as Joe likes them he ended up using their influence for his role as the singer.


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