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LS6 Views shines a light on Leeds in a way we've never seen before

If you’ve been lucky enough to study or live in Leeds then you’ll have undoubtedly seen this video. It shines a light on our favourite city in a way we’ve never seen it. We talked to the wonderful creative behind it. We had a chat with the man behind the wonderful video, getting some insight into one of our favourite videos we've seen this year.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you created LS6 Views?

I Recently graduated from Leeds uni and thought it would be nice to take some videos of the campus and Hyde Park before I left as a little memory for myself. While lockdown was going on, I edited them together into the montage. It was a nice memento for me and I thought other leavers might appreciate it too.

People have been blown away by the video, how have you felt seeing so many people share and praise the video?

Made for a nice end to my uni experience. I am glad people enjoyed watching it. I think anyone that creates art of any form does so to evoke emotion from the end user.

What is it you love about hyde park?

It’s such a bubble but it was the perfect place to spend 5 years studying. It is so compact and you get to know it so well, which is weird to think given how lost you feel during your first few trips as a fresher. And let’s be honest, there’s no better place than Hyde Park in the sun.

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