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Hope in Hospitality: Sheaf Street Team Announce Opening of Brand New Venue Testbed

Zahin Ali

After a monumentally rocky year for venues nationwide, all hope is not lost as the team behind popular Leeds venue Sheaf Street have announced the forthcoming opening of a brand new venue, Testbed. Making the announcement earlier today, the crew envision the space to be a hub for the broad range of events happening in Leeds, from comedy to theatre, sports, music and art.

The venue, located on Butterley Street, is currently 10,000 bare square feet of endless possibilities. ‘Shaped by the City, for the City’s future’, the team are welcoming suggestions from those who will use it on how the space could be used and designed. They want to ensure the most valuable utilisation of the space for event creators in Leeds and for Testbed to be a place to safely come together once again.

While most venues have been largely out of action for the majority of the year, the Testbed team are remaining refreshingly optimistic about the possibility of events in the near future and are planning to host some test events early next year.

It’s been an incredibly tough year for venues, so to hear positive news from the hospitality industry is a great reminder of the spirit of Leeds’ venues – they won’t go down without a fight.

To have your say in the planning of the space, or to keep up to date with what’s coming up at Testbed, head to or follow their Instagram @testbedleeds.


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