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Nightlife Bosses Respond to Government Claim that it 'Doesn't Make Sense' to Support Nig

Uk nightlife bosses have criticised the government after Health and Care Minister Helen Whateley claimed that "It doesn’t make sense to continue supporting jobs where there simply isn’t work at the moment.”

Speaking on Sky News, the minister seemed to exhibit an apparent disregard for the industry, on the premise that 'there isn't work at the moment', despite the fact that this is the precise reason why an industry would require financial aid in the first place.

The Night Time Industries Association’s CEO, Michael Kill, told NME that the government "has no support for businesses that are closed under restriction from government and the gall for the health minister to say that we don’t see the point in supporting them is just ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.”

Many people are concerned that the recent introduction of the 10pm curfew for pubs and venues will do more harm than good, and that the economic impacts of such a curfew will outweigh the health benefits. Music Venue Trust CEO Mark Davyd said "We strongly urge the government to now publish the data linking the spread of infection to the consumption of alcohol and enjoyment of culture in licensed premises after 10pm, not least on the basis of addressing public confidence in the measures being taken.”

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